Promotion will be done on the basis of the average marks of three terminal examinations in each subject.
Students should have atleast 75% attendance for promotion.
Besides the terminal and final examinations there are Monthly Tests conducted regularly. Results of these will be taken into consideration for promotion. No examination will be held whatsoever be the reason, before or after the scheduled time.
Promotions are decided by the Promotion Committee, duly constituted for this purpose.
PRE K.G. to SR. KG | BOYS | Peach color Half Trouser and Red Checked Half Sleeved Shirt, Black Shoes with Peach Colour socks, White Canvas Shoes with White Socks Tie and Belt. White Half Trouser and White Half Sleeved Shirt, Tie and Belt. | White Half Trouser and White Half Sleeved Shirt, White Canvas Shoes with White socks Tie and Belt. |
GIRLS | Peach colour Frock with Black Shoes & Peach colour White Frock with White Canvas Shoes & White Socks Tie and Belt. Socks Tie and Belt. | White Frock With White Canvas Shoes with White socks Tie and Belt | |
1 to V | BOYS | Peach colour Half Trouser and Red Checked Half White Half Trouser and White Half Sleeved Shirt, Sleeved Shirt, Black Shoes with Peach Colour socks Tie and Belt. | White Half Trouser and White Half Sleeved Shirt, White Canvas Shoes with White socks Tie and Belt. |
GIRLS | Peach Colour Pinafore with Red checked half sleeved shirt, Black Shoes & Peach Colour Socks, Black Ribbon. | White Pinafore with Box Pleats, White Half Sleeved Shirt, White Canvas Shoes with White socks, Tie Belt and White Ribbon | |
VI & VII | BOYS | Aqua green Colour Half Trouser and Green Checked Half sleeved Shirt, Black Shoes with Aqua colour Socks, Tie and Belt. | White Half Trouser and White Half Sleeved Shirt, White Canvas Shoes with White socks Tie and Belt. |
GIRLS | Aqua Colour Pinafore with Green checked half sleeved shirt, Black Shoes & Aqua colour Socks, Tie and Belt, Black Ribbon. | White Pinafore with Box Pleats, White Half Sleeved Shirt, White Canvas Shoes with White socks, Tie and Belt and White Ribbon. | |
VIII To XII | BOYS | Aqua green Colour Full Pant and Green Checked Half Sleeved Shirt, Black Shoes with Aqua colour Socks, Tie and Belt. | White Full pant and White Half Sleeved Shirt, White Canvas Shoes with White socks, Tie and Belt. |
GIRLS | Green checked Salwar, Aqua green Kameez with Aqua colour coat, Black Shoes with Aqua green Colour socks and Black Ribbon. | White Salwar, White Kameez with White colour coat, White Canvas shoe with socks and White Ribbon. | |
NOTE: FRIDAY: All pupils must wear their respective house colour T-shirts with White Uniform, White Canvas Shoes and white socks. |
Admission will be made for all classes based on interview for assessing the child in general and availability of seats. Any details regarding admission can be had from the school office. However clarification should not be mistaken as assurance for admission Preference for admission will be given to those who reside within 5 kms. Original Birth Certificate, Community Certificate, Medical Certificate and Transfer Certificate wherever applicable should be produced at the time of admission for verification.
An entrance test will be conducted for the students in their main subjects.
Pupil are liable to be suspended or dismissed with the Transfer Certificate at any time of the
year if their conduct is detrimental to the discipline of the School.